Implementasi mqtt pada Sensor suhu DHT22

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Internet of Thing (IoT) is electronic equipment that can work if it is connected to an internet network. This technology is growing and its implementation is spreading to all fields, on this occasion implementing the mqtt protocol as an IoT connection. Implementing MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) communication with a DHT22 temperature sensor involves integrating the sensor with a microcontroller or a single-board computer capable of running MQTT client software. The result of the temperature measurement is displayed on the 16x2 LCD


Internet of Thing (IoT) is electronic equipment that can function if it is connected to an internet network. This technology is growing and its application extends to all fields. This project implements the MQTT protocol as an IoT connection, ESP32 as a microcontroller and implements the use of a DHT22 temperature sensor which then results from these measurements displayed on a 16x2 LCD screen.
The DHT22 sensor which acts as a temperature and humidity sensor has 4 pins. DHT22 is connected to the ESP32 microcontroller module because it has the ability to integrate with Wi-Fi. The connection between the pins between the sensor and the microcontroller is the VCC pin with 3.3V, the DATA pin to the GPIO 15 pin and the GND to GND pin, while 1 pin does not need to be connected. ESP32 is generally used in projects related to IoT (Internet of Things). The results of sensor measurements that measure temperature and humidity are displayed on a 16x2 LCD screen where this LCD has 16 characters and displays two lines of text. The connection between the pins on the 16x2 LCD to the ESP32 is in accordance with the existing dataset, namely the VCC pin to 3V3, the SDA pin to GPIO 5 and GND to GND. Data communication between the sensor and the LCD uses the MQTT connection. Where MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is the message delivery protocol. where sensor nodes only send one time, several monitor nodes can monitor by subscribing to certain topics.